This is the latest (main) BeagleBoard documentation. If you are looking for stable releases, use the drop-down menu on the bottom-left and select the desired version.



This is a work in progress, for latest documentation please visit

BeaglePlay is an open-source single board computer based on the Texas Instruments AM6254 quad-core Cortex-A53 Arm SoC designed to simplify the process of adding sensors, actuators, indicators, human interfaces, and connectivity to a reliable embedded system.

BeaglePlay OSHW Mark

License Terms

BeaglePlay BeaglePlay

1. Introduction

BeaglePlay Chapter01 thumbnail

2. Quick start

BeaglePlay Chapter02 thumbnail

3. Design & Specifications

BeaglePlay Chapter03 thumbnail

4. Expansion

BeaglePlay Chapter04 thumbnail

5. Demos

BeaglePlay Chapter5 thumbnail

6. Support

BeaglePlay Chapter6 thumbnail